Consulting Services
Coherent Marketing provides consulting services to organizations, or partners with consortiums. The primary areas in which we are active include developing strategic communications and positioning, integration of marketing communications, and assisting economic and workforce development initiatives.
A key strength is assisting consortiums with strategy and implementation of their communications infrastructure. After building the infrastructure, we provide training and guidance on using the platforms and processes consortium-wide to work together effectively - in short, getting everyone to row together.
Coherent Marketing has broad capabilities in communications, both strategic and tactical, and its key strength is in using technology and integrated media for cost effective solutions. Contact us if you need help with:
- Review or development of content marketing or communications practices
- Communications goal setting and planning
- Integration of video into communications practices
- Development of a media relations or crisis communications plans
- Development of social media plans
- Development of organization communications best practices
- Brand development
- Communications change management
- Economic development communications for a strategic competitive advantage for a location, project or initiative
- Biofuels, biorefining, bioproducts and industrial biomanufacturing communications
- Startups, or new initiatives within established organizations
Workforce Development
Coherent Marketing has nearly a decade of experience in strategic positioning and communications development for economic development consortiums such as government-industry-higher education partnerships. In these roles, we have seen ROI of billions of USD.
By building in professional communications into these initiatives, consortium members can partner more effectively, workforce recruitment is improved, and industry informed of the pipeline of skills they can tap.
We have deep experience in sectors such as biopharmaceutical and advanced manufacturing, bioproducts and healthcare working with statewide and national initiatives. CEO Norman Smit is a co-author in a study published by the Reserve Bank on workforce development best practices.
Consortiums & Initiatives
Often organizations join forces to accomplish goals they cannot easily accomplish by themselves. In many instances these are grant funded or state or federally-funded initiatives that require unlikely bedfellows to work together.
Consortiums face a range of difficulties - partners are often unequal; brands external to the initiative must be enhanced; funding often does not extend to full-time support for communications; and implementation of marketing communications often requires non-communications staff participation. We can help.
Coherent Marketing has extensive experience in building consensus while working with consortiums and helping initiatives accomplish high levels of positive visibility that in turn enhance the image of the partner organizations. This experience and expertise is not something offered by typical communications agencies. Contact us before you build the consortium website because we can use shared decision-making on communications infrastructure part of the process of building consensus on a shared communications culture.