A website is your foundation online

Our difference
There are lots of website developers in the marketplace. They may build pretty sites. But unless a website supports your overall business goals effectively, you will be redoing it again in a year or two. We work with you on your marketing communications systems and processes for long-term success, part of which is having an effective, foundational web presence. So our approach to website development is fundamentally different.

In house, we have three decades of experience working with the open-source portal content management system, Joomla, which is versatile and secure.
When you outgrow your WordPress site, or it's hacked, contact us to migrate it to Joomla.
We also offer domain, hosting and email services, graphic design, and developer-level knowledge in PHP, HTML, MySQL, CSS, and JavaScript.
Call us if you have a problem, project or campaign. We work locally and globally with clients in the US, Europe and Africa.

If your route to success seems blocked, Coherent Marketing has broad capabilities in communications, and a key strength is in using technology and integrated media for cost effective solutions.

Coherent Marketing has nearly a decade of experience in strategic positioning and communications for economic and workforce development groups such as industry, government and education, producing a ROI of billions of USD.

Often organizations join forces for goals they cannot easily accomplish by themselves, such as grant- or government-funded initiatives that require unlikely bedfellows to work together. Consortiums can face difficulties, but we can help.