We have assisted the Advanced Manufacturing Alliance develop and implement a strategic approach to its communications infrastructure, branding, and develop common messaging among the partner organizations. This is a key element for consortiums where members have disparate brands, strengths and priorities. We developed a website with partitioned user access for the 10 community colleges, file storage and transfer capabilities for curricula and video, and a built-in browser-based video conferencing capability to ease interactions among colleges widely dispersed across North Carolina. Already, searching for "advanced manufacturing, NC" shows the Alliance at #1 in Google. Coherent Marketing was selected for this project, which is the larget single grant to a community college in the 50-year history of the North Carolina Community College System. We have provided guidance on how to effectively post updates on progress, thereby positively impacting student recruitment, economic development positioning, Google ranking, search visibility and transparency with the grant funders, the US DOL.
We continue to provide guidance on strategic positioning so that the initiative is able to leverage its statewide capabilities as an economic and workforce development organization to attract and grow advanced manufacturing in North Carolina. Additionally, we provide assistance with some of the web-related services to the consortium to enable them to concentrate on their key grant functions. Included in the services provided are:
- Training on use of the website and best practices
- Posting and editing of blog content
- Email newsletter template design
- Email newsletter formatting
- Editorial planning for newsletter development
- Growing the newsletter mailing list
- Strategy regarding visibility with key audiences
- How-to guides
- Website SEO
- Development of measurable annual communications plans
- Graphic design services and procurement of displays
- Print ads
- Multimedia integration
The Advanced Manufacturing Alliance is a U.S. DOL ETA funded initiative and the contracting agency is a state-funded community college.