Nationally, community college budgets are tight. They are being called upon to do more with less. Most community colleges have never been particularly well-resourced by comparison to universities. One place where colleges may be able to get more bang for their buck is in how they are producing or procuring video. Video is an expensive medium and video services departments are often hard-pressed keeping up with the multiple demands they face.
Fayetteville Technical Community College in North Carolina contracted Coherent Marketing to review operations. The brief was to produce a report that looked at several key areas, including:
- Could the department produce regular, live video broadcasts?
- How cost-effective are operations?
- How do production choices contribute to the college's positioning and role in the community it serves?
The college broadcasts on a 24-hour community channel, has a modern website, a green-screen studio, and staff with solid skills. In addition to having a responsibility to its local community, it also serves a far-flung military community of students with a global deployment footprint.
We were able to present a range of options to the college. The report included:
- Changes to better meet college strategic needs
- Equipment and personnel needs
- Restructuring plans
- Integration of content and operations for broadcasting and streaming channels
- Parallel operations during transition
- Risk
- Options for more effective use of the channels it has
- Use of video streaming to serve its global military students
- Methods to aggregate and stack content in different ways for re-use
- Cost/minute calculations
The findings and recommendations were well received.
Colleges should regularly and comprehensively review the budgetary implications of staff, equipment, and space against its strategic communications plan in terms of cost/minute/viewer. More about the work Coherent Marketing has done in this are can be read in the blog posts at Projects.
Our capabilities
The principal at Coherent Marketing has started both national and local digital newsrooms; consulted to national morning TV in Germany; and led statewide community college initiatives, including federally-funded programs. Workforce Development projects with which he has been involved have seen billions of dollars in economic development and thousands of new jobs. Contact us to discuss how we can help your college or video services department operate more effectively.