They all have the same challenge - and advantages. They require everyone to get in the boat, to row in sync together, and to row in a shared direction.
Integrated Media Strategies has more than a decade of experience working highly successfully with these kinds of communications projects. We have spent hours in committees getting groups of people to come to agree on shared areas where strategic positioning of messaging can benefit all parties. And then working with those partners to implement the communications tactics to make it all work. We like herding cats.
If you have a grant-funded initiative that requires partnering, or an association with members, or a government-industry partnership like a workforce development project, or similar kinds of projects where a mix of people are working together, we can provide the kind of communications leadership needed to pull together the disparate players to obtain the visiblity and success your work deserves.
We've worked with:
- State and national governments
- Community college knowledge economy initiatives
- Workforce development initiatives combining industry, higher education, government and others
- Associations and their members
- Multi-state and statewide federal grant-funded initiatives
When multiparty communications projects function well, they obtain the synergy of all of the communications networks participating. When they don't, at best they're invisible, at worst open to negative criticism that can drag them all down.
We facilitate sucess.