Working with a 10-community college statewide advanced manufacturing workforce development initiative called the Advanced Manufacturing Alliance, which uses Joomla's Easyblog for their News & Updates, it became apparent that the participants needed some instructions on how to create their profiles on the site. Helping people posting to the platform from within the site helps to ensure their postings are more consistent, complete, and provides some context about the person posting, their credentials and their role within the initiative. This was particularly important to visitors from out of state, within the advanced manufacturing industry sector, or potential students interested in a career in advanced manufacturing.
Although Easyblog provides more options for enhancing a profile and provides additional detail and fields that can be important for other blog uses, the steps below provide the basic information needed to get a person's profile looking useful. The images below are from the Advanced Manufacturing Alliance site.
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- Written by: Norman Smit
- Category: Learning
- Published:
- Hits: 2042
In the late 1990s, a technology change caused a massive shift in the way in which news organizations produced prime-time news. While most news organizations were shooting on the industry standard at the time - Betacam SP - and editing tape to tape to produce the nightly news, I helped usher in the digital revolution at a TV newsroom in South Africa called eNews. Although we shot on tape, the digital footage was imported to servers where it was accessible easily for viewing and editing on non-linear software. Commonplace today, the evening news, script, graphics and video was compiled and broadcast from server. Although our newscast was an hour earlier than the flagship SABC competition, our deadlines for airtime were very similar. It meant we could broadcast the same story as the competetition an hour earlier.
Server-based, nonlinear digital video was a key factor – along with a kick-ass team -- that allowed eNews to eclipse the SABC’s audience share within just a few months, overtaking their primetime evening news audience numbers.
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- Written by: Norman Smit
- Category: Learning
- Published:
- Hits: 1582
The storms that blew through yesterday with lightning that fried our company's modem and the data line from the road to our building reminded me of the old tech variant of the joke that 'real men don't do backups'. My many years as a skydiver has taught me the value of a reserve parachute and developing a plan B. What this means is examining processes for a single point of failure and then determining the cost/benefit that a failure at that point is likely to have for survival. Clearly, in skydiving, it's a really good idea.
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- Written by: Norman Smit
- Category: Learning
- Published:
- Hits: 1540